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With domestic bank financing scarce, some business leaders are starting to look offshore for investment dollars to fuel new ventures. They are taking a second...

This letter is submitted in support of Nicholas A. Mastrioianni, II and his application for the U.S. Immigration Fund, Inc. (USIF) to be designated by...

A year after the town approved the $125 million Harbourside restaurant/retail project, the developer says groundbreaking should begin by the spring...

Harbourside, a $127 hotel / restaurant waterfront complex, was approved by the Jupiter Town Council. View the news clip video...

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Harbourside, a $127 hotel/restaurant waterfront complex approved last December, is closer to breaking ground following approval tonight to make the 10-acre parcel a taxing district...

Council members tonight gave initial approval to allow the proposed Harbourside development to become its own taxing district...

In December, Town Council approved a significant project that will ultimately add an entertainment district to the Riverwalk – Harbourside...

The town council Tuesday night approved Harbourside, a proposed waterfront development that includes retail, offices, boat docking and a five-story hotel with a rooftop bar...

The town council voted 4-1 Tuesday to approve the development plan for Harbourside, a mixed-use complex featuring shops, offices, a hotel, a parking garage and...