EB-5 Investors whose funds went to New York City establishments Bryant Park and The Charles have even more exciting news to look forward to, on top of the swift progression of the project and its already-impending success. A recent real estate report found that apartments located near flourishing parks demanded higher prices than their architectural counterparts located farther from an outdoor establishment.
One case in particular, the High Line, a re-developed rail freight line that traverses one mile of Manhattan’s beloved West Side and offers a landscaped and well-maintained urban oasis, offers more than perks of the outdoors. Residential property values grew 103% between 2003 and 2011, according to the New York Times. The year 2003 marked a citywide push to redevelop the High Line, whereupon architecture firms, horticulture experts, engineers, maintenance providers and public arts practitioners joined forces to turn it into what it is today. Around 29 developments have been, or are in the process of being, built along the High Line – which has inspired similar outdoor parks in other metropolitan cities in Germany, Israel, Mexico and Singapore.
Manhattan rents in general are ramping up, after four consecutive months of slower rental growth. According to a report by Douglas Elliman, and compiled by Miller Samuel, the average monthly rent for a Manhattan apartment in February was $3,956, a 4.3% increase from January and a 4.9% increase from February 2012.
Sales-wise, inventory continues to decrease. Many brokers report stories of heated bidding wars on some of the city’s best apartments. As inventory continues to fall and buyers begin to feel the heat, prices will only rise. 纽约目前地产市场活跃,查尔斯平层别墅项目和布莱恩公园项目进展顺利,认购了这两个项目 的EB-5投资人可以预期它们的成功。根据一份最近的报告显示,处于繁荣上升阶段和公园附 近的公寓项目其预期远比同类项目但位置较远的郊外市场前景好,价格也更高。
其中一个典型的例子就是纽约高线公园。高线公园作为再开发区域,铁路运输发达,穿越曼哈 顿知名的西端区域。视野开阔、绿地资源珍稀,可谓大都市中仅有的绿洲。这些特点远比郊区 或其他地方的房产具有优势。根据《纽约时报》的报道,2003年至2011年,当地住宅价格增 长了103%。2003年当地出台重新规划开发高线公园,建筑公司、园艺专家、工程师、维护供 应商以及艺术工作者都纷纷出谋划策。经过短短几年时间,这里发生了翻天覆地的变化。目前 全球各地也兴起了一股公园再开发热潮。如德国、以色列、墨西哥以及新加坡等国家和大都市 也出现户外公园再开发浪潮。
自连续四个月的租金缓慢增长外,总体而言,曼哈顿租金价格在恢复上涨。根据纽约艾丽曼地 产公司的报告,曼哈顿公寓2月平均月租达到3956美元。较之一月增长4.3%,同比2012年2月 增长4.9%。
公寓销售情况也同样火爆。公寓库存量继续下降。许多地产经纪人表示,对于一些最优公寓, 买家竞争尤其激烈。随着纽约公寓库存进一步减少,买家开始感觉到地产的热潮,价格将只会 进一步上升。