fbpx Page 49 | U.S. Immigration Fund – EB-5 Regional Center Operator

I write to show my strong support that the U.S. Immigration Fund and Harbourside Place be approved by the United States Customs and Immigration Services...

In a letter to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Ron Klein, the representative for Florida's 22nd congressional district shows his support and commitment to the...

One of the most appealing aspects of the EB-5 visa program is that it allows investment in a wide range of industries. One EB-5 regional...

With domestic bank financing scarce, some business leaders are starting to look offshore for investment dollars to fuel new ventures. They are taking a second...

This letter is submitted in support of Nicholas A. Mastrioianni, II and his application for the U.S. Immigration Fund, Inc. (USIF) to be designated by...

A year after the town approved the $125 million Harbourside restaurant/retail project, the developer says groundbreaking should begin by the spring...